"I am what I am and I know what I like and I like it on the back of a motorbike!" http://www.mediafire.com/?omd23lodwcw Pete Burn's early sado-punk rumbles are nothing short of amazing. It's easy to hear that a band like the Horrors has probably studied the classic "Birth Of A Nation" E.P. closely. Punk rock with real balls and obsessed with them at the same time.
Even though this has a bit of noise at the beginning this is by far the best version on youtube. There is one other but the sound quality is real bad. Prime Cuts illusive 12" Saw You Watching Me B/W Stay Right There is a budget boogie burner from 83. Has a real lo-fi feel to it that gives it a unique charm. I have still yet to find a copy of this 12" and have been looking for a year now. On the hard to find and super collectible California Gold label. Let the gold rush begin.
Sweden has many amazing psychedelic treasures to offer. Charlie and Esdor are just one culled from the overwhelming camp of Scando blotters. I'm a sucker for well played and well placed sitar as well so this is one of my favorite "pop" oriented Swedish psych albums. They also have a song called "Fuck The Cops" that was a protest song to cops who harassed legions of hippies living in a park in the middle of Stolkholm. The songs on this album come off a bit inconsistent as they never recorded a full length but are non the less enjoyable. This is they're entire recorded output that is pooled together from singles, comp tracks, and rare archived tapes. http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=6020dd074cbf25b375a4fc82078ae6c8ee9852fad43f4216e91dc00c2f906379
Wow so lots of news. First off we are super happy to have a new contributor to Radiant Darkness. Long time friend and music specialist Dax is joining our ranks to help with content and enlighten us with new gold. Hopefully he'll be posting something soon. Told me he had something good but didn't give me any details so I will be checking the site constantly too. We are upgrading our home base as well to launch our podcast here in the next month or so. Hope to have guest mixes on it as well to keep it from growing old. In addition to this we hope that by summer we will have a few new goodies to expose as well. Projects are in the works for some remix/edit thingys as well as original stuff too. More on this as it develops. For now though I have to say it already feels like summer. Seems to be a great deal of energy in the air and all signs point to a memorable summer. I have been jamming this tune a ton lately. Has a really good mid-afternoon feel to it. While Laidback maybe more known for the anti-drug (but somehow every cokehead loves it) "White Horse", "Baker Man" has a way more causal feel to it. You could easily picture Brian Ferry drinking scotch to this on a Sunday afternoon. Here's the 12'' mix. http://www.mediafire.com/?ztzv0xxv2z0