Friday, May 20, 2011
Messy Updates.
I know everyone is busy preparing for the end of the world or the coming of Christ so I will try and keep this brief so you can get back to snake dances and severe opiate abuse. So we did our first Skin Tight party and it was great. Next one will be July 2nd and should be nuts since it's July 4th weekend. Mark and I are going to start to work on some tunes next week if the Earth is still around. We hope to have something finished and dance floor ready for the July party. The flier should be finished today or tomorrow and will of course appear here. I am also in the process of getting dates together for a group of shows that should be happening in the late summer and early fall. Can't make official announcements yet but I am personally really excited at some of the artists that I hope to be bringing down to play soon. Stay tuned for more info on this soon. Obviously the computer is in fucked land so still a lack of music. Maybe before the Ice Age I can loot an Apple Store and have the perfect computer for a few hours. Until then, go buy dry ice and get out your old shoes. Place them in a public place on Saturday so people think that their Cosmic Judge has vaporized you. See you soon... Maybe.
Monday, May 2, 2011
On the Grid.

So a ton of people knocked it but I thought it was great. Also want to state that this was a Disney film and I don't tend to like Disney films at all and lastly thank-fuck it wasen't scored by Randy Newman. Daft Punks score for the film perfectly captured the mood and the tempo for the entire duration and sounded fresher than ever. Sounds a bit more icey than their previous work as well.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Sunday Psychedelia.

In March of 1967 Pink Floyd would release their now legendary single "Arnold Layne". Two months later the band would find themselves playing on BBC's arts programme "Look Of The Week". Roger Waters and Syd Barrett where interviewed by the shows host Hans Keller who asked them the timeless question, "So why has it got to be so loud, so amplified?" At this time psychedelia was new and growing rapidly as the counter culture movements across the world where turning their backs to the age old tired moral codes. As time moves on, the sound continues to change and certain countries develop their own sound within the envelope of psychedelia. France is one such country that seems to have a particular character and quite a sophisticated one at that. "D-I-R-T-Y French Psychedelia" was put together by the French D-I-R-T-Y crew who offer up some rare slices of smooth and sombre sounds. An absolute 10 out of 10 in my book. Big points too for using the Nino Ferrer song "Looking For You". One of my favorite Sunday albums next to Dennis Wilson's "Pacific Ocean Blue".
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