So made it back from Seattle with a grip full of records. Really liked the city and Capitol Hill, which is where I stayed. If your a record nerd and are in Seattle make sure to make it to Jive Time Records. Great shop with endless quality stuff and the owner is a great and friendly guy. A big fuck off to Zions Gate Records for being way too over-priced and for being some of the biggest dicks I have ever encountered in a record store. So now it's off to San Francisco for some more good times and djing. As previously posted, come hangout at the Casanova Lounge on Friday from 4-9. Then on Saturday at the Hemlock Tavern from 4-9 as well. Both will be really different so come say hi on both days. Got plenty of new treats that I am looking forward to playing. Have wanted to post some Arthur Russell for a while now but haven't so I am rectifying that right now. To say that Arthur Russell was ahead of his time is putting it lightly. Not only was he responsible for creating some of the most forward thinking dance music of the 80's but he was also composed some of the most beautiful and intriguing cello based music that is sort of beyond any simple categorization. "The Sleeping Bag Sessions" is a collection of material that Arthur recorded for the label Sleeping Bag Records. This collection focuses primarily on the dancier side of things but "World of Echo" is a must hear album as well so I am posting that as well. Trying to make up for all this lost time here. Should resume the normal amount of posting again soon. Hope to see some familiar faces in S.F. this weekend.
Sleeping Bag Sessions Here:http://www.mediafire.com/?kcx5m184se00k
World of Echo Here:http://www.mediafire.com/?2qtx7j0e3b4ne
thanks for posting this, i'm new to his music ;)
Thank you for this! Very generous of you. Perfect for a rainy afternoon
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